Personal Training Sessions Chorley

Mobile Personal Trainer in Chorley, Both Private and group training sessions available, Women orientated. Private Studio available.
We offer training advice, diet advice, help and support. DLS Fitness want you to have a sustainable long term plan. Forget a Summer Body, This is real training, for a body you can keep.
Training without a plan, without structure, is just a waste of your time. Trust us.
At DLS Fitness we care about you, DLS and our clients are like family, they care, we care and you should too, when you come to meet us you will understand why, you aren't a number, a statistic, you are important, you are part of the DLS family and most important to us - is what you feel about you, and that's what we aim to change. Trust us to help you, and that, is exactly what we will do.
We have various plans, models and training sessions to cater for a diverse range of clients, from the least to the most capable, No matter your situation we can probably help. from full workouts to helping strengthen cores and specific muscle groups, Meal plans and nutritional advice, we can help so pop on over to the contact page and get in touch, Find out what we can do for you.
Qualified Trainer, Reps Certified, Qualified Gym Instructor, Optimum Nutrition Certification.
GP Exercise Referal. Not just a PT.